Monday, September 3, 2012

GUTGAA meet and greet

-Where do you write? - The den. Used to be my husband's, until I grabbed it.

- Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see? Well, that would be the table, with my son's trumpet, a bag of half-eaten chex mix (spicy), and a pile of papers on which I jot down important stuff.

-Favorite time to write? - Night. After everyone's gone to sleep.
-Drink of choice while writing? - Tea

-When writing , do you listen to music or do you need complete silence? Hard to find silence, except at night. (or early morning)

-What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it? - Not sure. The idea just popped up and I jotted it down. It kept getting bigger, the more I wrote.

-What's your most valuable writing tip? Take advice from people, but have enough confidence in yourself to trust your writing skills. And don't give up.


  1. I think your answer to where your inspiration came from is perfect! I know that question is one of the most frustrating for a lot of writers to answer (including me!), and you summed it up perfectly. Good luck with GUTGAA! :)

  2. I agree-- silence is nearly impossible to find. Writing at night definitely helps. :) Loved your answer re: inspiration. It's so true! You know you have a winner when the story just keeps growing beyond what the brain can hold. Best of luck to you.

  3. Ahhhh. I like your writing advice. When you get notes from CPs, it's so key to remember BOTH parts of what you said.

  4. I love your blog name. :) Good luck with GUTGAA, and I hope you find what you're looking for (and in the meantime, keep writing). :)

  5. Your den sounds about like mine. I always write stuff down on papers like that. Then they pile up.

  6. That balance of trusting yourself and accepting suggestions to make the story better can be so tough, but is so important to achieve! It's nice to meet you!

  7. Love your writing advice. Good luck with GUTGAA. Please, stop by and say hello if you haven't already.

  8. Hi suja! nice to see a familiar face! didn't realize you were in MI. were u at UM? i did my engineering grad work there so i was always roaming around north campus.

  9. Nice to meet you! And I agree about the balance of confidence and accepting advice. So glad you mentioned it!! =)

  10. So hard to find the balance between trusting yourself and taking advice! Especially when you have conflicting advice from people you trust.

    Nice to meet you!

  11. Great advice. And your house sounds like mine.

  12. Oh that is excellent advice. It's certainly something I need to learn.
